Enabling Clinical Education Skills
ACDHS proudly supports ClinEdAus
ClinEdAus aims to support high quality clinical placement experiences for allied health students and supervisors through the provision of open access, contemporary, evidence-based clinical education resources that support clinical education across all allied health professions. For access to the complete suite of resources go to
About ClinEdAus
ClinEdAus was launched in December 2014 through funding from Health Workforce Australia, an initiative of the Australian Government, and its ongoing review is supported through funding from Queensland Health. Its intent was to provide consistent and sustainable clinical education content to support the delivery of more health professionals into the workforce through greater clinical educator capability, improved knowledge and efficiencies, and improved quality of clinical education.
Since 2018 an ongoing collaboration between Griffith University and Queensland Health has aimed to review ClinEdAus to ensure its functionality and content continues to provide contemporary, high quality, evidence-based resources.
ClinEdAus is an open access, no user cost, evidence-based one stop shop website for learning support and training materials for allied health clinical educators.
It was developed based on clinical supervisor needs and contains a variety of materials which are focused on topics including models of supervision, adult learning, managing clinical placements, providing feedback, assessment, managing difficult situations, meeting diverse student needs, emotional wellbeing and managing workload.
Targeted areas specific to student supervision include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, aged care, interprofessional education, mental health, private practice and rural and remote practice.
Infection Prevention and Control in Allied Health – teaching curriculum framework
Infection prevention and control (IPC) is an essential part of safety in healthcare settings. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian Council of Deans of Health Science in collaboration with the Australian Allied Health Leadership Forum has developed the Infection Prevention and Control in allied health – teaching curriculum framework.
The Framework provides themed links accessible from a single site to support the embedding of the principles of Infection Prevention and Control in Allied Health Practice guidelines into teaching curriculums ensuring students in allied health education programs receive comprehensive up to date theory on infection prevention and control. Specifically, educators will have a ‘toolkit’ that will:
- Appropriately prioritise embedding of principles of infection prevention and control at different stages of each of the allied health professions teaching curriculum;
- Provide strategies for implementation including the development of teaching materials and toolkits;
- Set targets to ensure the content has been successfully embedded in the teaching curricula;
- Provide methods to assess compliance of curricula with the principles Infection Prevention and Control in Allied Health Practice and policies developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACQSHC) and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).
The development of the Framework was made possible through funding from the Commonwealth Department of Health.
Access the Framework here

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