The Australian Council of Deans of Health Sciences (ACDHS) 2024 Symposium Steering Committee have great pleasure in inviting members to the 2nd ACDHS Symposium to be held at Rendezvous Hotel Melbourne on Friday 25 October. We also look forward to gathering for the Symposium Welcome Dinner the evening prior, on Thursday 24 October.

The ACDHS Symposium 2024 will delve into topical issues and feature esteemed invited speakers. Key topics will include Allied Health workforce strategy, inclusion and diversity, work integrated learning (placements), and ACDHS’s advocacy work. As with the inaugural symposium, it will be an interactive program for members. It will be an important time that we gather and engage and pursue the important issues, especially in the run up to the expected 2025 federal election.

Who should attend? ACDHS members (Allied Health Deans, Heads of School, PVC’s and other leaders in allied health education, research and work integrated learning). Members are encouraged to invite a guest(s) from the sector, strategic partners or stakeholders.

Members will be allocated complimentary registrations, which may be used for attendance by members or guests. As a national peak body, ACDHS recognises the time and cost of travel and we anticipate greater demand from Victoria. We will look to reallocate any registrations not taken up by other members. Final member allocation numbers are being determined.

An online registration page will be available and must be completed in advance by all attending. Additional program information will be advised in June.

Symposium Steering Committee


Symposium Steering Committee members

Mr Shaun McDonagh, Australian Council of Deans of Health Sciences
Assoc Prof Michael Curtin, Charles Sturt University
Prof Monica Thielking, La Trobe University
Prof Jennifer Watts, Deakin University
Assoc Prof Sophia Xenos, RMIT University