The Australian Council of Deans of Health Sciences is proud to celebrate Allied Health Professions Day (AHPs Day) on 14 October 2022.

To celebrate we asked our graduate panel what attributes they say are key in supporting their professional practice.
1. What would you say is your strongest skill in supporting the organisation that you work for?

Flexibility: I think my strongest skill in supporting my organisation is the flexibility I’ve learnt having completed my studies online.
Lana Dwyer
Speech Pathologist
Ability Action Australia

Problem solving: After studying during COVID, I believe my strongest skill in supporting my clinic is flexibility. My ability to adapt to new circumstances, changed routines, and keep my head above the water means that day to day work is always finished with a focus on patient centred care.
Emma Montgomery
TM Physio

Communication: Within the public sector, being an Allied Health practitioner, especially part of a small team, often requires that you fight for what you want and be an advocate for those in need. Being a strong leader and not being afraid to speak out is a very strong skill to have in order to achieve what you need.
Jovana Urukalo
NSW Health
2. What are your three top tips for new graduates in their first year of practice?
- Life-long learning. Take all the educational opportunities your organisation offers while you are still building up a caseload.
- Communication. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and learn from the experience of other people in your organisation.
- Initiative. If you’re organisation doesn’t offer it, be proactive about finding a more senior person to mentor you.
- Collaboration. Find a workplace that is excited to invest in and work with you – their time and experience are invaluable ways to grow your own professional skillset.
- Life-long learning. Don’t feel like you need to know it all – the more you learn, the more you realise there’s always still lots to learn.
- Communication. Communication is key. Ask for help when you need it, don’t be afraid to admit when you’re wrong and learn from those around you.
- Critical thinking. Take as much information as you can from your first few jobs and ask as many questions as you’d like, this is what will help shape you as a clinician in the future.
- Life-long learning. Don’t be afraid to jump at any opportunities that get thrown your way.
- Resilience. “When one door shuts, another one opens”, we never know what life has in offer and where we will end up in our professional fields. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get you ‘dream’ job.
We look forward to hearing more from Lana, Jovana and Emma as they share their perspectives as new graduates and discuss the topic: Transition from student to new graduate: are we prepared? This will take place at 10:30am on Friday 21 October 2022 at The Australian Council of Deans of Health Sciences Symposium.